The culture of physics research differs from other sciences because of the separation of theory and experiment. Since the twentieth century, most individual physicists specializing in theoretical physics research or experimental physics course, and in the twentieth century, few are successful in both fields. In contrast, almost all theorists in biology and chemistry is also a successful experimentalists.
Simply put, theorists tried to develop a theory that can explain experimental results that have been tried and can predict the results of experiments to come. Meanwhile, experimentalists develop and implement experiments to test the theoretical prediction. Although theory and experiment is developed separately, they are interdependent. Progress in physics usually arise when experimentalists make a discovery that could dijelaska existing theory, which requires that defined the new theories. Without experiments, theoretical research often walked in the wrong direction; one example is the M-theory, a theory popular in the high-energy physics, because experiments to test them have not been compiled.
Title : Theoretical and experimental physics
Description : The culture of physics research differs from other sciences because of the separation of theory and experiment. Since the twentieth century,...